Backing Up Ghost Blog in 5 Steps

I’ve been writing on my self-hosted Ghost blog for some time now. In case you’re wondering, this site is hosted on a Digital Ocean Droplet.

For the most part, I felt like I was doing something inconsequential that only meant much to me. Today, the site has grown to a size that it’d feel like a hat-flying slap to my face if I were to lose all my data.

If you’re looking for the answer to "How do I back up my Ghost blog?" for your self-hosted Ghost blog, you’ve come to the right place.

TL;DR: How to backup self-hosted Ghost blog to cloud storage like Google Drive or Dropbox and how to restore it using Bash


Getting started with Ghost is easy. You would typically pick between:

I’d recommend anyone (especially non-developers) to opt for the managed version.

Yes, it’s relatively more expensive; so is every managed service. However, it’d most likely save you a bunch of headaches (and time) that come along with self-hosting any other sites:

  • Backups
  • Maintenance
  • Downtime recovery
  • Security, etc.

In short, you’d sleep better at night.

On top of that, 100% of the revenue goes to funding the development of the open-source project itself — a win-win.

“Uh, Why are you self-hosting Ghost then?”

  1. Price — nothing beats the price affordability of hosting on your dedicated server. Today, I am paying about $6/mo for a 1 vCPU and 1 GiB memory Droplet.
  2. Knowledge gain — I’ve learned a lot from hosting and managing my own VPS.

Other perks of self-hosting include customizability, control, privacy, etc. — which are great, albeit not my primary reasons.

Most importantly, all the hassles above of self-hosting came to me as fun.

Until it isn’t, I guess.

The pain of backing up Ghost

Setting up Ghost on Digital Ocean is as easy as a click of a button. Yet, there isn’t any proper in-house solution to back up your Ghost site.

From Ghost’s documentation, you can manually back up your Ghost site through Ghost Admin. Alternatively, you could use the ghost backup command.

Even so, database backup was not mentioned as of the time of writing this. I really wish they'd talk about this more.

Backing up with Bash

Why pick Bash?

Simplicity. Plus, Bash is great for command-line interaction.

What are we backing up

Two things:

  • Ghost content/ — which includes your site/blog content in JSON, member CSV export, themes, images, and some configuration files
  • MySQL database


In this article, we’re going to write a simple Bash script that does all the following steps for us.

Assuming that we already have Rclone set up, here’s an overview of what our Bash script should cover:

An overview of what our backup script
An overview of what our backup script
  1. Optional: run requirement checks to ensure that the CLIs that we need are installed. E.g. mysqldump, rclone, etc.
  2. Back up the content/ folder where the Ghost blog posts are stored
  3. Back up our MySQL database
  4. Copy the backup files over to our cloud storage (e.g. Dropbox) using Rclone
  5. Optional: clean up the generated backup files

Utility functions

Let’s create which contains a set of helper functions for our backup script.

I like having timestamps printed on my logs, so:


log() {
    echo "$(date -u): $1"

With this, we can now use log instead of echo to print text; with the timestamp using:

$ log 'Hola Jerry!'

Sun Jul 22 03:01:52 UTC 2022: Hola Jerry!

Next, we’ll create a utility function that helps to check if a command is installed:


# ...

check_command_installation() {
    if ! command -v $1 &>/dev/null; then
        log "$1 is not installed"
        exit 0

We can use this function in Step 1 to ensure that we have ghost, mysqldump, etc. installed before we start our backup process. If the CLI is not installed, we would just log and exit 0.

The backup script

In this section, we’ll create a file as our main backup Bash script.

To keep our code organized, we break the steps in the overview into individual functions.

Before we begin, we’ll need to declare some variables and source our so that we can use the utility functions that we defined earlier:


set -eu


TIMESTAMP=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M)

Step 1: Run checks

  • Check if the default /var/www/ghost directory exists. ghost CLI can only be invoked within a folder where Ghost was installed
  • Check if the required CLIs to run our backup are installed

# ...

# run checks
pre_backup_checks() {
    if [ ! -d "$GHOST_DIR" ]; then
        log "Ghost directory does not exist"
        exit 0

    log "Running pre-backup checks"
    cd $GHOST_DIR

    cli=("expect" "gzip" "mysql" "mysqldump" "ghost" "rclone")
    for c in "${cli[@]}"; do
        check_command_installation "$c"

Step 2: Backup the content directory

  • Back up the content/ directory using ghost backup CLI
  • Here, ghost backup is configured using an expect script as shown in this example.

# ...

# backup Ghost content folder
backup_ghost_content() {
    log "Running ghost backup..."
    cd $GHOST_DIR

    expect wraith.exp

Step 3: Backup MySQL database

  • Fetch all the necessary database credentials (username, password, DB name) from the Ghost CLI
  • Run a check to ensure that we can connect to our MySQL database using the credentials above
  • Create a MySQL dump and compress it into a .gz file using mysqldump and gzip

# ...

check_mysql_connection() {
    log "Checking MySQL connection..."
    if ! mysql -u"$mysql_user" -p"$mysql_password" -e ";" &>/dev/null; then
        log "Could not connect to MySQL"
        exit 0
    log "MySQL connection OK"

backup_mysql() {
    log "Backing up MySQL database"
    cd $GHOST_DIR

    mysql_user=$(ghost config get database.connection.user | tail -n1)
    mysql_password=$(ghost config get database.connection.password | tail -n1)
    mysql_database=$(ghost config get database.connection.database | tail -n1)


    log "Dumping MySQL database..."
    mysqldump -u"$mysql_user" -p"$mysql_password" "$mysql_database" --no-tablespaces | gzip >"$GHOST_MYSQL_BACKUP_FILENAME"

Step 4: Copying the compressed backup files to a cloud storage


# ...

# `rclone` backup
# assumes that `rclone config` is configured
rclone_to_cloud_storage() {
    log "Rclone backup..."
    cd $GHOST_DIR

    rclone_remote_name="remote" # TODO: parse from config or prompt

    rclone copy backup-from-*-on-*.zip "$rclone_remote_name:$REMOTE_BACKUP_LOCATION"
    rclone copy "$GHOST_MYSQL_BACKUP_FILENAME" "$rclone_remote_name:$REMOTE_BACKUP_LOCATION"

Step 5: Clean up the backup files


# ...

# clean up old backups
clean_up() {
    log "Cleaning up backups..."
    cd $GHOST_DIR

    rm -rf backup/
    rm -f backup-from-*-on-*.zip

Finally, we shall invoke all of the functions defined for Steps 1 — 5.

# At the end of the

# ...

# main entrypoint of the script
main() {
    log "Welcome to wraith"
    log "Completed backup to $REMOTE_BACKUP_LOCATION"

And… we’re done!

Just show me the final code

I hear you. Feel free to check out the source code:

GitHub - ngshiheng/wraith: A simple utility Bash script to backup Ghost publishing platform
A simple utility Bash script to backup Ghost publishing platform - GitHub - ngshiheng/wraith: A simple utility Bash script to backup Ghost publishing platform

To use this project directly

  1. SSH into your VPS where you host your Ghost site
  2. Utilize the sudo -i -u ghost-mgr command to switch to the ghost-mgr user, which is responsible for managing Ghost
  3. Clone the repository onto your VPS
  4. Run make setup and update the email and password fields in the cp-ed wraith.exp
  5. Run ./ from the wraith/ directory

Automating Backup With Cron

I despise doing manual maintenance and administrative tasks. Let’s schedule a regular backup for our Ghost site to ease our pain using Crontab:

  1. Run crontab -e
  2. For example, you can run a backup at 4 a.m every Monday with:
# m h  dom mon dow   command
0 4 * * 1 cd ~/wraith/ && USER=ghost-mgr bash > /tmp/wraith.log
Do consider the time zone you're at when choosing your Cron schedule.

Restoring Ghost Backup

Backups are not backups unless you have tested restoring from them.

Let's test our backup locally using Docker.

  1. In a new directory, copy your backup-from-vA.BB.Z-on-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS backup file there. Decompress the backup files using unzip
  2. Run Ghost locally using docker run -d --name some-ghost -e url=http://localhost:3001 -p 3001:2368 -v /path/to/images:/var/lib/ghost/content/images ghost to restore the blog images
  3. Visit localhost:3001/ghost to create an admin account
  4. From the Ghost Admin interface (localhost:3001/ghost/#/settings/labs), import your JSON Ghost blog content from decompressed data/
  5. You can import your members' CSV from the Members page too
Run bash within your Ghost Docker container using docker exec -it some-ghost bash

Closing Thoughts

Whether you’re just running a simple personal website or a proper business, having a proper backup is critical.

I am guilty of procrastinating in setting up my backups. Today, I finally got that out of my to-do list.

"There 2 kinds of this world – people who back up their files and people who haven't experienced losing all their files yet."

Reading this kind of gave me that little push I needed to avoid becoming part of a cautionary tale.

Written by human. Hosted on Digital Ocean.